bearing in mind Synonym

Synonyme bearing in mind

considering - remembering - taking into account - keeping in mind - mindful - aware of - taking note of - noting - heeding - acknowledging - recognizing - contemplating - reflecting on - thinking about - factoring in - accounting for - allowing for - weighing - regarding - observing - noticing - attending to - being conscious of - being aware of - being mindful of - being cognizant of - being alert to - being sensitive to - being attentive to - being heedful of - being observant of - being vigilant about - being watchful of - being wary of - being cautious of - being prudent about - being circumspect about - being judicious about - being considerate of - being thoughtful of - being perceptive of - being insightful about - being discerning of - being perceptive about - being sagacious about - being shrewd about - being astute about - being wise about

Die englische Phrase 'bearing in mind' bedeutet, etwas im Gedächtnis zu behalten oder sich an etwas zu erinnern, während man etwas anderes in Betracht zieht oder überlegt. Dieser Ausdruck wird verwendet, um zu betonen, dass ein bestimmter Punkt oder eine Information bei der Entscheidungsfindung oder beim Verstehen einer Situation berücksichtigt werden sollte.

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