be watchful for Synonym

Synonyme be watchful for

be-alert-for - be-on-the-lookout-for - be-vigilant-for - keep-an-eye-out-for - be-guard-for,-aware-of - beautious-of - be-wary-of - be-attentive-to - be-observant-of - be-mindful-of - be-on-the-alert-for - be-on-the-watch-for - be-on-the-lookout - be-on-the-alert - be-on-the-watch - be-on-the-qui-vive-for - be-on-the-qui-vive - be-on-the-guard-for - be-on-the-guard - be-on-the-watch-out-for - be-on-the-watch-out

To be watchful for something means to pay careful attention to potential dangers, problems, or changes. It involves a state of heightened awareness and alertness, often for the purpose of preempting or reacting to unexpected occurrences or threats. This can be in the context of security (watching for any security breaches), health (being aware of symptoms of illness), or general attentiveness in various daily activities.

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