be on the alert against Synonym

Synonyme be on the alert against

watchful - vigilant - cautious - wary - on guard - attentive - observant - on the lookout - on the watch - alert - on one's toes - ready - prepared - on the qui vive - on the ball - eagle-eyed - sharp-eyed - wide-awake - quick to notice - perceptive - aware - heedful - mindful - circumspect - careful - awake - alive - responsive - reactive - on the defensive - on the alert

Being on the alert against something means being vigilant or cautious about potential dangers or threats. It involves a heightened state of awareness and readiness to respond to or guard against certain risks or harmful events. This could apply to various scenarios, such as cybersecurity, personal safety, or environmental hazards, where staying alert is crucial to prevent harm or mitigate risks.

Category: Security Tags: Alert Against Caution

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