be miserly Synonym

Synonyme be miserly

stingy - tightfisted - parsimonious - frugal - penny-pinching - niggardly - close-fisted - mean - sparing - thrifty - ungenerous - tight - scrimping - economical - cheap - penurious - miserly - tightwad - hoarding - avaricious - grasping - covetous - money-grubbing - chintzy - cheeseparing - skinflint - scrooge-like - ungiving - stinting - hoardy - penny-wise - cost-cutting - budget-conscious - saving - prudent - cautious - penny-wise-pound-foolish - close - uncharitable - selfish - acquisitive - hoardful - money-pinching - tight-pocketed - close-pocketed - penny-hoarding - penny-scrimping

To be miserly means to be extremely reluctant to spend money, to the point of being excessively frugal or stingy. This behavior often stems from a desire to save money rather than enjoy life's pleasures or be generous. A person who is miserly may prioritize accumulating wealth over personal comfort or the well-being of others. This term can have negative connotations, suggesting a selfish or ungenerous nature.

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