be inattentive towards Synonym

Synonyme be inattentive towards

neglect - disregard - ignore - overlook - pay no attention to - oblivious to - be heedless of - be unmindful of - be indifferent to - be unconcerned with - be inattentive to - be neglectful of - be remiss in - fail to notice - fail to heed - fail to observe - fail to regard - fail to pay attention to - turn a blind eye to - turn a deaf ear to - brush aside - brush off - dismiss - slight - pass over - take no notice of - take no account of - give no thought to - give no consideration to - leave out of account - leave out of consideration - leave unheeded - leave unnoticed - leave unobserved - leave unregarded - leave unattended - leave unconsidered - leave unnoted - leave unremarked - leave unresponded - leave unacknowledged - leave unrecognized - leave unappreciated - leave unvalued - leave unesteemed - leave unrespected

To be inattentive towards something means to fail to notice or give proper attention to it. This behavior can result in missing out on important details, updates, or necessities. It often implies a lack of consideration, focus, or care, and can be detrimental in personal, professional, and social contexts.

Category: Behavior Tags: Neglect Ignore Overlook

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