arrests Synonym

Synonyme arrests

apprehensions - detentions - captures - seizures - incarcerations - confinements - imprisonments - busts - nabs - takedowns - bookings - collarings - roundups - pinches - clutches - grabs - holds - restraints - detainments - custodial actions - apprehending - taking into custody - taking in - taking prisoner - taking captive - taking hold of - taking charge of - taking control of - taking possession of - taking into possession - taking into control - taking into charge - taking into hold - taking into confinement - taking into incarceration - taking into imprisonment - taking into detention - taking into seizure - taking into capture - taking into bust - taking into nab - taking into takedown - taking into booking - taking into collaring - taking into roundup - taking into pinch - taking into clutch - taking into grab

An arrest is the act of detaining someone legally by the authorities, usually because they are suspected of having committed a crime. The person is taken into custody, where they are not free to leave, often until they have been questioned or brought before a court. Arrests are a crucial part of the legal process for maintaining law and order.

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