appraising the validity of Synonym

Synonyme appraising the validity of

Evaluating the credibility of - assessing the legitimacy of - judging the authenticity of - examining the soundness of - reviewing the accuracy of - analyzing the reliability of - scrutinizing the truthfulness of - checking the veracity of - verifying the correctness of - testing the dependability of - investigating the trustworthiness of - considering the plausibility of - inspecting the validity of - measuring the accuracy of - weighing the credibility of - probing the legitimacy of - gauging the authenticity of - determining the soundness of - appraising the reliability of - auditing the truthfulness of - confirming the veracity of - validating the correctness of - authenticating the dependability of - substantiating the trustworthiness of - corroborating the plausibility of - evaluating the truthfulness of - assessing the soundness of - judging the reliability of - examining the legitimacy of - reviewing the authenticity of - analyzing the accuracy of - scrutinizing the credibility of - checking the legitimacy of - verifying the authenticity of - testing the soundness of - investigating the reliability of - considering the truthfulness of - inspecting the credibility of - measuring the legitimacy of - weighing the authenticity of - probing the soundness of - gauging the reliability of - determining the truthfulness of - appraising the legitimacy of - auditing the authenticity of - confirming the soundness of - validating the reliability of - authenticating the truthfulness of - substantiating the credibility of - corroborating the legitimacy of

Das Wort 'Gültigkeit bewerten' bezieht sich auf den Prozess der Bewertung, Beurteilung oder Validierung, ob etwas korrekt, wahr oder offiziell anerkannt ist. Dies kann auf verschiedene Kontexte angewendet werden, wie z.B. die Überprüfung der Richtigkeit einer wissenschaftlichen Theorie, die Bewertung der Legitimität eines rechtlichen Dokuments oder die Analyse der Echtheit einer Behauptung. Der Prozess beinhaltet oft eine detaillierte Überprüfung und Analyse der verfügbaren Informationen, um zu einem fundierten Urteil zu gelangen.

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