ambiguity Synonym

Synonyme ambiguity

uncertainty - vagueness - obscurity - doubt - equivocation - ambivalence - indeterminacy - unclearness - indistinctness - nebulousness - imprecision - ambivalency - double meaning - polysemy - equivocalness - indefiniteness - inconclusiveness - murkiness - haziness - elusiveness - opacity - perplexity - confusion - enigma - puzzle - mystery - paradox - indistinctiveness - indistinctivity - indistinctuality - indistinctualness

Ambiguity refers to the quality of being open to more than one interpretation, leading to uncertainty or confusion. It can be a property of words, phrases, sentences, or entire texts, making their meanings unclear or subject to multiple possible understandings. Ambiguity can arise from the use of homonyms or polysemes, vague references, or complex, poorly structured statements. While sometimes used deliberately in literature or rhetoric to create richness or depth, ambiguity in everyday communication often leads to misunderstandings.

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