adopts the responsibilities Synonym

Synonyme adopts the responsibilities

assumes the duties - takes on the responsibilities - accepts the obligations - undertakes the tasks - shoulders the responsibilities - embraces duties - takes up the responsibilities - bears the responsibilities - carries the duties - assumes the obligations - takes over the responsibilities - accepts the duties - undertakes the responsibilities - shoulders the obligations - embraces the responsibilities - takes on the duties - bears the obligations - carries the responsibilities - assumes the tasks - takes up the duties - accepts the tasks - undertakes the obligations - shoulders the tasks - embraces the tasks - takes on the obligations - bears the tasks - carries the obligations - assumes the roles - takes up the tasks - accepts the roles - undertakes the roles - shoulders the roles - embraces the roles - takes on the roles - bears the roles - carries the roles - assumes the functions - takes up the roles - accepts the functions - undertakes the functions - shoulders the functions - embraces the functions - takes on the functions - bears the functions - carries the functions - assumes the commitments - takes up the functions - accepts the commitments - undertakes the commitments

Adopts the responsibilities refers to the act of taking on, accepting, or assuming tasks, duties, or obligations that come with a particular role, situation, or position. This can occur in various contexts such as in the workplace, where an employee might take on additional responsibilities as part of a promotion, or in personal life, such as when an individual assumes the caregiving duties for a family member. The phrase emphasizes the proactive action of embracing and carrying out these responsibilities with the intention to fulfill the expectations associated with them.

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