achieve a settlement Synonym

Synonyme achieve a settlement

reach an agreement - come to terms - settle - resolve - negotiate a settlement - finalize a deal - conclude an agreement - make a deal - reach a compromise - settle differences - agree - come to an understanding - reach a resolution - settle the matter - resolve the issue - find a solution - reach a consensus - settle on terms - come to an accord - hammer out an agreement - broker a deal - strike a bargain - settle the dispute - reach a settlement - finalize terms - agree on terms - come to a settlement - settle the conflict - resolve the dispute - reach a deal - settle on an agreement - come to a resolution - reach an accord - settle on a solution - negotiate terms - come to a conclusion - settle on a resolution - reach a mutual agreement - resolve differences - come to a settlement agreement - finalize a settlement - reach a final agreement - settle on a compromise - come to a final decision - reach a final settlement - settle on a deal - come to a final agreement

Der Ausdruck 'achieve a settlement' bedeutet, eine Lösung oder Übereinkunft zu einem Konflikt oder Rechtsstreit zu erreichen. Es beschreibt den Prozess, bei dem zwei oder mehr Parteien zu einer gemeinsamen Vereinbarung kommen, die für alle Beteiligten akzeptabel ist, um einen Streit beizulegen. Dies kann durch Verhandlung, Mediation oder Schlichtung erfolgen und ist oft eine Alternative zu einer gerichtlichen Entscheidung.

Kategorie: Recht Tags: Einigen Kompromiss Lösung

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